To apply for SuperHero Capital, you will need to complete an Application which currently sits outside the EcoSystem.
Before you can apply, there are certain criteria in place that you must satisfy to be eligible. You can go through the checklist here.
Follow an overview of the whole process below with an idea of timescales and what the Capital Team are is responsible for.
Registering your interest and Applying
You will also be sent a link to sign up to GoCardless, which is a recurring payment facility that collects invoice payments automatically. This will be set up with the bank that you choose. When this has been set up, we can release some of your Product but this can’t be done until GoCardless has been set up. If you prefer not to use Go Cardless for whatever valid reason, you are able to make direct payments onto out Wise account. Reach out to the Capital team if you would like to discuss this option.
Deposit Payments
In the Application, you will need to choose the level of deposit that you want to make(a minimum of 30%). Please bear in mind that the higher the deposit rate, the lower the interest rate you will be offered. Or conversely, the lower the deposit rate, the higher your interest rate.
You will pay the deposit to the Capital Team via Bank Transfer for the entire order and not your Supplier. We will then pay your Supplier directly for both the deposit of your order when the Product goes into production and the balance of the order when production has completed.