Update your basic info Personal information in your Superhero Eco-System Account.
Profile Picture - click Update to add a profile picture or logo to the Superhero Eco-System
First Name - first name of the person using the Superhero Eco-System
Last Name - last name of the person using the Superhero Eco-System
Login/Email - primary email address used for login to the Superhero Eco-SystemAll,
but Repeat Login/Email - re-enter the primary email address used for login to the Superhero Eco-System
Address 1 - primary street address of the person using the Superhero Eco-System
Address 2 - additional address line of the person using the Superhero Eco-System
City - city of the person using the Superhero Eco-System
Region/State - region/state of the person using the Superhero Eco-System
Post/Zip Code - post code or zip code of the person using the Superhero Eco-System
Date of Birth - date of birth of the person using the Superhero Eco-System
Phone number - contact phone number of the person using the Superhero Eco-System
Country of Birth - country of birth of the person using the Superhero Eco-System
Country of Residence - current country of residence of the person using the Superhero Eco-System
Nationality - nationality of the person using the Superhero Eco-System
Additional Emails - alternate emails that might be associated with the person using the Superhero Eco-System
All fields except the Additional Emails fields in this section is mandatory, as they are used by other functions and services within the Superhero Eco-System, so please ensure that this information on this page is:
Completed with the correct information relevant to this business venture.
Kept update up to date if and when any changes occur.