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Manually Create a new Researched Product
Ensure you add in all the mandatory fields that have a * - you will not be able to continue until you do. The fields are:
Description - add in the description from Amazon.
Nickname - create a reference that is meaningful to you. If you don’t fill out this field, the first 30 characters of the Description will be used to create the Nickname.
ASIN - input the ASIN from Amazon.
Marketplace Amazon Site - input select the Marketplace Amazon Site you have researched the product in by selecting the relevant web address.
Category - select the Category from the drop down list that you found the product in.
Sales Price - enter the Sales Price from Amazon.
BSR - enter the BSR from Amazon.
Suppliers - if you know the Supplier that you would like to source the product from, you can link the product to the Suppler by selecting from your list of Suppliers or you can create a new Supplier that you are negotiating with. If not, this can be added at a later date.
Notes - enter in any general notes that you want to keep track of for this Product.