To apply for SuperHero Capital, you will need to complete an Application which currently sits outside the EcoSystem.
Before you can apply, there are certain criteria in place that you must satisfy to be eligible. You can go through the checklist here.
Follow an overview of the whole process below with an idea of timescales and what the Capital Team are is responsible for.
Registering your interest and Applying
Firstly, you will need to register your interest on the Capital Application.
If you have already done this, you can log into using the same email that you registered your interest with. If you try to use a different email, you won’t be recognised on the system.
If you forget which email you used, please email
Once you have access to the Capital Application, you need to complete the application details in full. Follow the process here.
Note |
Please remember to use your EcoSystem email address. |
Once you have registered for Capital Club, you will then receive your Welcome Pack. This will explain the next steps in detail, including a link for you to begin your application.
If approved, a pre-signed Stock Finance Agreement will be emailed to you with details of the payment process. You will need to counter-sign this using Hello Sign and return to us.
You will also be sent a link to sign up to GoCardless, which is a recurring payment facility that collects invoice payment payments automatically. This will be set up with the bank that you choose. When this has been set up, we can release some of your Product but this can’t be done until GoCardless has been set up. If you prefer not to use Go Cardless for whatever valid reason, you are able to make direct payments onto out Wise account. Reach out to the Capital team if you would like to discuss this option.
Deposit Payments
In the Application, you will need to choose the level of deposit that you want to make. The default is set to 30% in the application but can be changed from 20% up to 50%. However, please (a minimum of 30%). Please bear in mind that the higher the deposit rate, the lower the interest rate you will be offered. Or conversely, the lower the deposit rate, the higher your interest rate.
You will pay the deposit to us ( the Capital Team ) via Bank Transfer for the entire order and not your Supplier. We will then pay your Supplier directly for both the deposit of your order when the Product goes into production and the balance of the order when production has completed.
You don’t need to be involved in this process at all.
The deposit can will be made by bank transfer to SuperHero Capital if preferred rather than GoCardless.
and your supplier will be paid by SuperHero Solutions Ltd.
Warning |
If you pay the deposit to your Supplier, we will not be able to provide Capital for that order. |
Info |
Please note that we don’t get involved in cost price negotiation with your Supplier. You will need to do this and the Member needs to find the supplierwe will handle the payments. |
The added bonus about using SuperHero Freight is that SuperHero Capital can take advantage of preferable freight rates because it is part of the same company group.
When your Product arrives at the hub(s), we will pay the duty for you and this is included in the final Capital figuresrepayment figure. This means that there may be a slight change in the final payment schedule.
Info |
The Member is responsible for raising any replenishment orders to Amazon. |
The great advantage to this is that you will only pay storage charges on the stock that you have access to. As SuperHero Capital own the remainder of your stock until repayment has been made, they are responsible for paying the storage charges to the relevant warehouse.
However, please be aware that as soon as you have paid for all of your stock, you would be liable for the storage charges.
Payment Terms
Once your application has been approved, you will have a 12 week holiday until your first payment is due and then payments will be made every 2 weeks.
The 12 week holiday allows production time for your Product and shipping to the warehouse.
Payments will go through GoCardless and we will collect the money every 2 weeks. Every time we collect a payment, you’ll receive an invoice confirming this.
Please note that you will need to have sufficient funds to cover the payment available on the due date and you will receive a reminder 3-5 days before payment is due.
Payment Terms
Your repayments will begin 21 days after your goods arrive in the largest marketplace you are selling in. So for example, if you are selling in the USA, UK and Canada, once your goods reach the Houston warehouse, because this is the largest marketplace, you will receive an email letting you know that your repayments will be due to start. This will be 21 days from the date your goods are checked into the warehouse.
Late fees and failure to make repayments
Communication is key if you run into any difficulties.
If, for whatever reason, you feel like you may not be able to make one of your repayments, please contact us at and we will happily work something out with you.
We are here to help!! That being said, there are some procedures in place if payments cannot be made.
Step 1
If you miss a repayment, you will be contacted by email as a reminder to make the payment.
Step 2
If we have not heard from you by day 5 of the missed payment, we will contact you again by email to remind you and warn you that there may be a £/$40 late fee if payment is not made.
Step 3
If we have not heard from you by day 10 after the missed payment, we will contact you again by email and the late fee of £/$40 will be issued. We will also remind you that your next repayment is due in 4 days.
Step 4
If we have not heard from you or received any payment by week two after the first missed payment, you will now be behind on two repayments. At this time, we will lock you out of the EcoSystem until you have brought your account up to date or we have received a communication from you.
Step 5
If we have not received a payment or communication from you by week 3, we will again email you to warn you that your Product(s) will be confiscated by week 4.
Step 6
If we have still not received any communication from you after 3 weeks and 3 days, a £/$40 late fee will be applied to your account.
Step 7
Once we are in week 4, your goods will be confiscated by SuperHero Solutions. This is irreversible.
Like I said, we are here to help. So at any stage, if you are struggling financially or have any worries, please just get in touch by emailing and we will do our best to support you.
Info |
If you want to make early repayments in order to release your stock earlier, this is possible but will incur an early repayment fee. You will need to email to request this. |
If shipping and production takes longer than 12 weeks, there is currently no option to delay the start of the loan.