Converting a Product from Researched to Live

Converting a Product from Researched to Live

Watch the video to see how to convert a Product to live.


Once you have contacted a Supplier to find the costs and dimensions of the Product, and then you have had your Product validated by our expert team, it’s time to convert it to a live product so that you can raise a shipping order.

You will need to have your SKU ready, cost price and product measurements to hand, in order to convert your Product.

From your list of Researched Products, choose the Product you are converting and click on view. The Product you are converting will need to have a status of Initial.

Please note that if you click on edit, you are able to change the Status of your Researched Product. However, changing the Status in the edit page to converted, won’t automatically add the Product to your list of live Products. You will need to follow the process below and the Status will change automatically to Converted.

From the view page for your Researched Product, click on Convert to Product. This can only be done from the View mode and this option won’t show up in edit.

When you click on Convert to Product, you will be taken to a Create Product page. Complete all the mandatory fields marked with a red *. You won’t be able to continue until you do.

Some of the fields will automatically be populated from information carried through from the Researcher Application.

If you need to add more Suppliers, for example if there is a bonus Product that was sourced from a different Supplier, you can add in more than one Supplier. Just choose from the drop down list. You will need to have created the Supplier first in order to do this.

Choose the Product Type - either Private Label, Wholesale or Invasion.

Once you have completed all the details, click on Save.

This will take you through to the Common Data Product page and your Product will be added to the top of your list of Products if you have more than one.

You can click on edit and add in a Product image.

When you check the status of your product in the Researcher Application, you can see that your product will have automatically changed to a status of converted to a live product.

If your product is archived but you have decided to proceed with the product, you will first need to change the status to initial in order to convert it.

If you click on view, you will notice that for an archived product, your only option is to edit.  

Click on edit and change the status to initial and then save.

You will receive a confirmation that your product has been updated.

If you then click on view, you will see that the convert to product button becomes an option which is only possible from the initial status.

If you want to change back to archived, just click on the archive button.

You will receive a confirmation that your product has been archived and the status will change back to archived.


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