This document is an overview of the application system for Capital to help give you an idea of
what to expect from the application.
The process and document may change over time as we find new and better ways to deliver the program and support our member, so if you find any irregularities between the information below and the actual process that is unclear, please contact the Capital team and we will clarify and resolve any miss-understandings and update the help documentation accordingly.
Step 1: enter your email address that is linked to your Ecosystem
Step 2: select that you would like to start a new application
Step 3: select if you are a member of Capital Club or the Masters' Guild
Step 4: enter your club membership level
Step 5: fill in your details. Your full name, company name, company location and the currency in which you will make your repayments.
Step 6a: enter your supplier’s contact information- their name, address, contact person, email and the port of origin.
Step 6b: more information on your supplier here- order currency in which your supplier would like their deposit and final payment in and the manufacturing lead time. Please only tick the ‘accept’ box if you have verified with your supplier that Capital will only pay a maximum 30% deposit to begin manufacturing.
Step 7a: a bit about your product details. This will be for the first product you are wishing to apply for (if you are wishing to apply for more than one product). This should include your product SKU, title and description. Include your FOB price per unit and the total amount of units you are wishing to order across all marketplaces.
Step 7b: more about your product details. This section covers your master carton details for this product. How many units fit in one master carton, what is the master carton dimensions? Length, width and height in centimetres and how much it weighs in Kilograms. Where is this product going? USA/ CAD/ UK/ AUS?
Step 8: where is your product going to? Only fill in the information for the marketplaces you are wishing to sell this product on.
Step 9: what type of product is this? Is this a first time order for your company with a product that has been validated by one of our coaches? If this is a new product, you will have to enter how your product was validated. Or is this an existing product that you would like to replenish?
Step 10: have you another product from the same supplier in which you would like to use Capital to invest in? If yes, you will repeat steps 7, 8 and 9. If no, you will be brought to step 11.
Step 11: are there any other costs involved for this product? These can generally be found on your Pro Forma Invoices from your supplier. Select that you agree for Capital to pay the supplier’s invoice via bank transfer once you have agreed this with the supplier.
Step 12: select your deposit amount you would like to pay Capital to secure your order. The higher the deposit the lower the interest, the lower the deposit the higher the interest.
Step 13: do you accept those terms?
You will then be emailed a copy of your application. This application will be zapped over to the Capital team who will begin their reviews and be in contact with you for some more information; pro forma invoice(s), HS Codes and Validation Codes.