Listing Critique

Listing Critique

Want a fresh set of professional eyes to review the listing you’ve written for your upcoming Amazon product?

We’ll audit your listing from top to bottom. Then we’ll detail our findings in a personalized report, complete with our step-by-step recommendations for maximum sales. Instead of curing a bad listing, you’re preventing it from ever happening.

What's included in this Package

  • Suggest Attention Grabbing Product Titles that stack the odds in your favor and win the clicks of your potential customers.

  • ​Key word rich bullet points that highlight the major features of your product and set you head-and-shoulders above all other similar listings.

  • ​Product Description that clearly informs your customers, compelling them to make the purchase!

  • ​Product Images - ensuring it’s a description in its own right, gets ‘the click’, and helps customers confirm your product is the one for them.

How do you create a new request?

Purchase a coupon by visiting the following page - SuperHero Solutions. Once the purchase is successful, you will receive a confirmation email including a Google Submission Form. Complete this form and we will take it from there.

Please note - the Google Form is only valid for the number of coupons purchased.

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