Scheduling a coaching appointment

Scheduling a coaching appointment

Keep the link from your email as it is the perfect way to access the scheduling tool and manage your subscription

Scheduling an appointment with your coach has a five-step process:

  1. Access the scheduler block (If you registered you can log in)

    1. Log into the scheduler or enter your email to redeem your coaching calls

  2. Select the appointment

  3. Pick your coach and time

  4. Provide details about you and the coaching session

  5. Save the information to your calendar (or on your phone)


Log into the scheduler

There are serval options for scheduling a coaching appointment. Please review the options below to find the one that best suits your needs.

  • Email Link (from sales confirmation or other appointments)

  • Website portal



After you have completed signing up for your 6FHB subscription you will receive an email confirmation. You can use the link on the Schedule appointment button to access the scheduler



Website Portal (LOGIN OPTIONAL)

Scheduler starting point

Then enter the email you used for registering your subscription


After login in (or applying your registered email) Select your appointment type


Once in the scheduler (you can login if you have registered) select your category, (Domination Coaching shown below).

**Want to know what the code is? Read more details here about the Certificate Code.



Receive confirmation of the appointment

There are some special parts here that are worth taking note of.

  1. You can use the “Register for an Account” button to create a login to schedule future appointments and to manage your appointments (more details here)

  2. You can scan the QR code to download an app to remind you of your appointments and schedule new appointments (using the app requires registration)

Click on the appropriate “Add to …” button for your preferred calendar. You will also receive an email confirmation

Your appointment has now been scheduled!!

Cancel or Reschedule an appointment

We value your time which means we need notification as soon as possible to adjust our calendars and yours. Meetings must be canceled or rescheduled 48 hours before the meeting time. Meetings not canceled before 48 hours will remain scheduled