Hero Jotter
Watch the video to see how to add any additional information for your Researched Product that hasn’t yet been captured.
Use this area to add in any information that you weren’t able to capture during other stages. The Hero Jotter doesn’t form one of the stages to complete for a Researched Product. It is just a useful place to jot down any further information you haven’t already captured.
To add information on your Hero Jotter, click on either View or Edit from the Researched Product summary page.
In order to add items to your Hero Jotter, you need to be in Edit mode.
If you are in view mode and this is the first time that you are adding notes in this area, you will see that the area is empty.
From here, you can click on Edit and this will open up the Hero Jotter Notes box. If you opened the page using the Edit mode, this page will open up automatically.
Just add in the information in the Notes box and then click on Save once you have input all the relevant information. You can make the comment box bigger by clicking and dragging the bottom right corner.
When you review your Hero Jotter using the View mode, you will see a more condensed overview.