Rolling Containers - Shipping Schedule

Rolling Containers - Shipping Schedule

Rolling Containers

If you’ve been around Superhero Freight for a while, you will be glad to know we have moved away from the Shipping Schedule to Rolling Containers. 

What do we mean by Rolling Containers? It means that as goods come into Ningbo or Shenzhen, as soon as there is enough volume to fill up a container, that container will ship out. Superhero Freight has grown so much over the past few months, we are now to the point we have enough volume on most routes to ship more often.

The "Delivery Window" and “The Shipping Schedule” have gone away. You can place your order with your supplier, and whatever date your goods arrive at the Chinese warehouse - for US and UK bound shipments, your goods will be loaded within two to four weeks. For all other routes, the volume is not quite there for rolling containers nor for bi-weekly shipments, but we will roll containers on most of these routes at least every 4 weeks.

This does mean the total shipping time will ultimately be reduced by about two weeks, however, we still suggest you allow for about a 30 day buffer on your reorders. In other words, don't wait until the last minute, place your reorder, and expect your goods to arrive into STOCK at the hub on the exact date of the ETA. Give yourself some breathing room so that you do not run out of stock and you don't find yourself in a bind when delays happen - because they will.

The most important piece of information you can provide with your SRN is an accurate production end date. The more accurate this date is, the better we are able to plan and ship the Rolling Containers. If your production end date changes during production, go and update the EcoSystem. Do yourself the favour of making sure we have accurate data for planning container capacity.