Roots Score

Roots Score

See how to score your Product on the SuperHero University using the Components of MAP.


You can now calculate the Roots Score for your Product using this handy tool. Using the guidelines shown in the Components of MAP video, score your Product and let the EcoSystem decide whether your Product makes the cut or not.

The Roots Score makes up one of the Stages of a Researched Product and once you have followed this process through, the icon on the main listing page will change to blue and the Roots Score will be displayed on the main listing page.

To access the Roots Score, from the Researcher main listing page, click on either View or Edit.

Then select Roots Score from the right hand navigation to take you to the Roots Score page. If you choose View, there will be the option to Add Roots Score.

If you chose Edit from the main Researcher page and then Roots Score, the Add Roots Score page will open up.

Populate the fields from 1 to 8 and once you have completed the last field, the scoring calculator will show the Roots score for your Researched Product. You will notice that the man starts at the bottom of the stairs and will progress further up the stairs, the more points that your Product scores.

You can go back through and revise any of the sections if needed and the score will automatically update. The higher the score, the further up the stairs the man will go. A score of 80% or more will earn a trophy at the top of the stairs!

Remember to Save your result before returning to the main Researched Product page.

Once saved you can return to list, edit, convert to a Product or archive the Product.

When you return to the Researched Products page, the Roots icon will change to blue to show completion and the Roots Score will populate on this screen too.


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