Listing Builder

Listing Builder



Watch the video to see how you can create the perfect Amazon listing using the Listing Builder to help you!

Use the Listing Builder to create a Product Detail Page or Listing using keywords that will drive customers to your Product on Amazon. You’ll also create a description that ‘sells’ the main features of the Product.

This section will show you how the Listing Builder Application works. For full details and methodology for creating a quality PDP, go to SuperHero University - Ignite Phase 2 (Evolve 2) / Module 6 / Section 17.

It also covers off Amazon’s Rules - what you can and can’t include. Ultimately, you are looking to create relevant and focused keywords.

There is also a Listing Masterclass that will go through the full process using the Listing Builder Application.

To open the Listing Builder Application, select the Listing Builder Application link from the Dashboard and then click on the Listing Information link.

This will take you to the Product Listings page. If you have no information listed yet, the table will be empty. Otherwise, you will see a list of previously created Listings.

To Create a new Listing, either use the quick access + menu, which is available at the top of most pages in the EcoSystem, click on Listing Builder then Product Listing, or click on the Create button on the top right.

Then select your SKU and Marketplace. The Product description will automatically populate once you have input your SKU. This is just the short description for the Product and not the listing description.

When you start to sell in more than one Marketplace, you would follow this procedure again but using the relevant Amazon website for that Marketplace as the keywords could be different.

The next step is to create keywords that your customer will be inputting to search for a Product. Remember to ‘emulate the customer’ as much as possible when identifying keywords.

Type in the main Keywords and any other Keywords you identified from Amazon into the Keywords area and then click on Add.

This will move the words into the next section down and show under the heading - Move keywords to organiser. You can add more keywords at any point and just click on Add and they will be entered along with the existing keywords. If you enter a duplicate, your duplication will not be added in twice.

If you want to remove a keyword, just click on the X beside the keyword.


  1. To help you to organise your Keywords into an order of importance, you can drag the words down into the Keywords Organiser. Once you have dragged a word down, it is removed from your original list.

  2. From here, you can then add your Keyword to the Title or any of the bullet points. This Keyword will then show up under that area. You can move the words around to help with the order of importance. Just click on the blue cross and drag.

  3. There is a link to the Amazon style guide which you need to be familiar with and to keep checking as it is always changing. It’s important to stay within the compliance guidelines set by Amazon.

  4. Now that you have a good selection of keywords to build your Title from, you can start to put this together under the Title Builder.

  5. There is a 200 character limit for the title of your Product and the number of characters used is shown under the box and changes as you type.

  6. If you need more Keyword boxes, just click on Add new keywords and start to fill another section out.

Remember to keep the primary key phrase within the first 30-40 characters for customers searching on smaller mobile devices as they will only see smaller listing previews.

Now continue on to complete your:

  • Bullet Input;

  • Description Frame;

  • Prefooter;

  • Footer.

These sections are all covered off in full detail in SuperHero University - Ignite Phase 2 (Evolve 2) / Module 6 / Section 17 - Your PDP & Seller Central.

Once you have finished creating all the above areas, you can click on:

  • Backend Keywords - Generate Terms - this will add in any of the words you input into your keywords area but didn’t use in your listing, which may still be needed.


  • Generate HTML - this code is then used to create your listing in Amazon. This provides the minimal amount of HTML that Amazon allows in the listings, which can be copied and put into Seller Central to create your PDP.

Remember to Save at any point to keep the work you have already done. If you Return to List, your information will not be saved unless you Save it first.

You can choose to Save and add information to Product - this will then show up in your Product Common Data under the Listings tab for the Marketplace you chose.

To edit a previously created Listing, click on the Edit button. This will take you into your Listing where you can amend, add to or delete information and Save your changes

Alternatively, if you no longer want this Listing, you can choose to Delete instead.

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