To display a specific product's information, select the View icon on the relevant record.
Main Info Page
You will be taken to the Product Information page which is broken down into sections displaying all the common information data about the productProduct.
The information displayed is:
Product SKU;
Product Description;
Supplier(s) linked to the product;
Amazon Category the product is to be listed in;
Cost price of the product;
The type of material the product is made of;
Dimensions, weight and volume of the individually packaged product;
Carton templates which are the outer/master carton dimensions received from your Supplier. These templates can then be used when creating an SRN or replenishment order.
Marketplace Info displays all the Amazon marketplaces where you will be selling the product. The marketplace information is linked to one individual product and all Amazon marketplaces are stored for the same product.
The CALCULATIONS tab is populated from the Profit Calculator applicationThe top part shows the main information, an image of your Product if you have added one in and all the carton templates you have set up.
The bottom half of the page shows the Marketplace information and the Stock information.
You are able to see which zone your stock is currently in, either green or yellow, and how many cartons and units are available for replenishment.
If you are selling in more than one marketplace, just click on the relevant country to see the information.
When you hover over the Amber zone icon, you will be able to see the reason your product is in that zone.
If you click on the Global tab, this will show you the totals for all marketplaces added together. However, the hover over for the Amber or Green zone doesn’t work on the Global tab, only on the individual marketplace tabs.
Calculations tab
To access your Product calculations, you can click on the Calculations tab.
This will show you any previous calculations. If you do not have any calculations in the profit calculator, the table will be empty.
Listings tab
The INVENTORY tab displays all the stock you have stored in the Superhero Freight warehouses for the specific product.
The LISTINGS To access your listings information, you can click on the Listings tab.
The Listings tab displays the listing information added for each marketplace Marketplace for the specific productProduct. The listing information can be entered into the Listing Builder application, and the listing information will be displayed for the specific product, in the Listing tab in the product common data.
The COMMUNICATIONS tab displays the information added to the Communication application. All of the communication between you and your supplier can be added into the Communications application. Easily view this information from the product common data.
Listing Builder Application will help you to add this information or you can utilise our expertise by creating an order in the Listing Creator Application and let us do the work for you.