SKU - Stock keeping unit which is a unique code, which you as a business owner create for each product. It is an internal code that we use to identify each product. | Module 5 Video 4 |
Cost Price - This is the FOB price per unit from your supplier. | Module 5 Video 4 |
Product Category - This is the category you're going to list your product under on Amazon. | Module 9 Video 2 |
Supplier - A supplier is a company, person or organisation providing services or products. | Module 5 Video 2 |
Marketplace - Amazon Marketplace is an e-commerce platform owned and operated by Amazon. The drop down list in the MPSH Eco-System caters for United States, United Kingdom, France, Italy, Spain, Germany and Australia. Canada will be added in future MPSH Eco-System updates. | Module 1 Video 3 |
ASIN - An Amazon Standard Identification Number (ASIN) is a 10-character alphanumeric unique identifier assigned by Amazon for product identification within the Amazon platform. | Module 9 Video 3 |
Barcode (Only from GS1) - Barcodes should only be bought from GS1. A GS1 Company Prefix is a unique identification number that GS1 US® issues just to your company and it's part of every barcode, Universal Product Code (U.P.C.), and identification number (GTIN®) you create. It's the internationally accepted way to uniquely identify your brand in the global supply chain. | Module 6 Video 7 |
Commodity Code - A commodity code is a ten-digit number allocated to goods to classify imports. Every item will fall under a commodity code and this commodity code dictates your duty rating, as well as alerts you to any import or export restrictions. | Module 8 Video 4 |
Duty Rate - A duty rate is a tariff levied on imports, defined in terms of a specific amount per unit. | Module 8 Video 6 |
FNSKU - The FNSKU is an acronym for Fulfillment Network SKU or Fulfillment Network Stock Keeping Unit. The FNSKU is the way that Amazon identifies a product as unique to the seller that has sent it to the Amazon fulfillment centre. | Module 9 Video 3 |
Carton Dimension versus Product Dimension - First of all it is important to note the difference between Product Dimensions and Carton Dimensions. Carton Dimensions relate to the overall dimensions of a box in which these items/products travel from your supplier onto a boat/plane, then through our hub, into stock and finally from our hub into Amazon. | Module 5 Video 4 |
Packing List - This provides useful information about the cargo being transported, its quantity, weight, and destination. This list informs the cargo’s recipient, transporter and the government authority what type of goods the seller sent to the buyer.
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