FAQ for Scheduling Coaching Appointments

FAQ for Scheduling Coaching Appointments

Questions for your personal account or technical issues should be directed to support@marketplacesuperheroes.com

You can cancel or change a coaching call (appointment). To do this you must first access the appointment on the scheduling tool.

All change requests and cancelations must be submitted 48 hours before the meeting is scheduled.

To access the appointment you can either:

  • Click on the “Change/Cancel Appointment” link that can be found on the email confirmation, or the web page confirmation.

  • Click on the upcoming appointment after logging into the scheduling block on the web page.

Once you access the appoint you can change the date or cancel by clicking on either the “Cancel” button to cancel the meeting, or by clicking on the “Reschedule” button to change the meeting date or time.

If you closed out or lost your confirmation page you can use the confirmation email to start the process: Click the “Change/Cancel Appointment” button to get to the confirmation page

You will see a Certificate code for any subscription when you log in, when you schedule an appointment, or on your subscription invoice. This code is used to manage your bucket of minutes.

What do you need to do with this code? For the most part, nothing. This code will automatically be applied to your appointments. And if you forget the code or it is not automatically applied you can use your email in the Certificate Code’s place.

Here is what it looks like when logged in you will find the code under “Active Codes”

The primary way to log into the tool is through the link from your appointment or subscription sent out in an email.

Once you click on the email link you will be taken to a scheduling page. The page will look like this:

The log in link is at the top right corner of the scheduling block as circled in this photo:

After clicking on this link you can log in, if you have registered for an account.
How to register for an account?

Yes you can.

To purchase more Airtime check out the products/packages page. Click the “View Products/Packages” link or use this link directly (Airtime purchase link)

Then select the airtime you wish to purchase and complete the purchase


Bonus Merchandise and Event Merchandise will be ordered and shipped after the last cancelation window. Typically, this is 30 days after a program begins and 30 days before special events.

  1. Check out the process here for how we handle merch delivery

  2. Need help navigating the Merch store go here