Research Questions

Research Questions

What do you need help with?


Yes!  Most definitely!  Simply open up your account and over on the right hand side of your screen at the top you will see “Deliver to” - click on that and a pop up box will appear and you can add a US ZIP CODE.  Similarly you could add a UK Postcode if you are searching on .co.uk and you are outside of the UK.

US Zip Codes:  90210 (or the one in the picture)

UK Postcode: BT39 9EB

CA Postcode:  T4A 0X4


It’s called AMZ SELLER BROWSER and you can copy and paste the below link into your browser.  It is a CHROME extension, so you will need to use the Chrome Browser and install the extension.  If it’s installed and doesn’t work, try refreshing your screen, or turn the extension on and off. It will take a couple of minutes to load.



Yes - Amazon DS Quickview is also another free extension that does the same thing.

Here is a handy chart that you can refer to as you start digging into research.  Remember that this is the suggested top range of the categories and we suggest in the course material to also include a buffer of about 20%.


This is an MPSH Extension made specifically to help speed up the process of adding products into your Researcher Application on the EcoSystem. This extension will save you TIME, TIME, TIME when you are doing your research. This extension will only work on Chrome and will allow you to add Products from the Amazon Marketplace directly into your Researcher Application.