Field | Description |
Coupon Code | Coupon Code which is generated when the Coupon is assigned to your Superhero Eco-System Account. |
Discount Percentage | The Discount Percentage which will be applied during the checkout process for the respective service. |
Valid From Date | The Valid From Date column is the date the Coupon can be used from. If this date is in the future the Coupon will not be available for use. |
Expiration Date | The Expiration Date shows the date the Coupon expires. If the Coupon has not been redeemed before the Expiration Date is reached, the coupon is not be available for use and will move to the Expired Coupon tab. |
Redeem Qty | The number of times the same Coupon can be redeemed. |
Action | The Action column contains the functionality to open the respective application. |
Utilise a product photography coupon Photography Coupon by creating a product photography request Photography Request using the product photography Product Photography coupon provided or simply access the Product Photography application directly.
Complete the product photography forms and select your required package. There are full details on how to complete the Product Photography Application.
The total price will be displayed before applying the coupon, select Confirm to proceed.
At the bottom of the posting and packaging instructions page, select the coupon to be applied. If no coupon is available, this means there is no coupon assigned to your Superhero Eco-System account for the specific service.