Direct Transfers

Direct Transfers

You will have to make sure that duties/taxes are covered before the arrival of your product in the EnZone warehouse. To do this, send your shipment DDP (Delivered Duty Paid), otherwise, your shipment may get stuck at the port or airport customs office.

All Direct shipments must be sent DDP (Delivered Duty Paid)

For a direct air Freight shipment the process is:

  1. Create a supplier in the market you are shipping from.

    1. This is the same as a supplier from China. You will need an address and contact information. The contact information must be yours for direct shipments, as EnZone is not involved in organizing the shipment. This is done to keep clean records of the transfer and to make exporting accurate

  2. Link the newly created supplier from step 1 to your product by editing the product and adding the supplier name to the product

  3. Add marketplace information to your product for the country you are sending the product to

  4. Create a new Direct Shipment SRN from the warehouse your product is in, to the market you wish to have your product sent to.

You will pay your carrier directly. CBM cannot be used for the shipment.

Costs: The costs with Direct shipping are the shipping with your chosen Courier, a creation fee for the order, plus per carton and duties/taxes. (Freight Rates and Fees)


You cannot use any of our warehouse addresses as a Consignee Address for Direct Shipments.

Effective immediately, EnZone will charge every member a penalty fee of $150 for every direct shipment that is being billed to us.

No exceptions!



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