Information about the EFN (European Fulfillment Network)

Information about the EFN (European Fulfillment Network)

So this is GREAT news for those of you who are just getting started with your business or if you have a few products in the UK (and haven't gone through the process of applying for a German VAT #).

Prior to Brexit, we were able to use the EFN by storing our products in the UK and Amazon would fulfill our products to the EU countries. When Brexit happened, Amazon essentially "turned off" the EFN and most sellers were then forced to apply for a German VAT #, an EORI # and a local tax # in Germany.

With the help of SH Office many sellers did just that, and continued selling into the EU. However over time Amazon has now figured out a way for us to continue using the EFN which is GREAT NEWS for you to once again "test" your offers in these countries without the added wait time and expense of applying for a German VAT. (Although down the road if your products are selling very well in the EU countries, applying for a German VAT # and shipping your products directly from the UK to be held in the German Amazon WH's may make more sense). It's all about running the numbers and seeing what works best!

Refer to Marlon's video in SHO FB group for a video he did recently on the pro's and con's of the EFN vs Registering for a German VAT #

  • BUT for now let's talk about how you can use the EFN and what you need to do to "turn on" these settings in your UK Amazon Seller Central.

There is some very good resources that Amazon has put together to walk you step by step through this process which I am going to link here for you to read! I have also created a Loom Video of my Seller Central Account Settings and walk you through what you need to do to turn on the EFN settings. Amazon is taking a staggered approach to rolling out the EFN to the sellers, starting on March 1st and continuing into May. Once you have your settings turned on, you will then get an email from Amazon to confirm your enrollment is complete!

  • Here is the link for more information on the EFN - I would suggest carefully reading through this. You will want to pay close attention to your pricing in the EU countries, taking into consideration the exchange, VAT and the fees Amazon will charge to ship from UK to EU.


More good news here from Amazon: Starting March 31, 2022, our fulfilment fee across different programmes in Amazon European stores will change. To help you sell between EU and UK after Brexit, we will offer a 20% discount on European fulfilment network (EFN) fees from the EU (Germany, France, Italy and Spain) to the UK and vice versa for a promotional period of one year, starting March 31, 2022.

  • Scroll down half way on this link to see the comparison charts!


Here is an EXCELLENT Resource that Amazon has put together with step by step instructions!

And lastly my LOOM Video on how to update your settings in your UK Seller Account!

Click here to take you to your Cross-Border Settings - >



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