Submitting a Domain Request

Submitting a Domain Request

Why should I have a domain name?

A brand domain name makes you look professional, and is linked to a business email account and your landing page

Your domain name for your new brand

Your domain name should be your brand name (not a registered company name).

If you purchased through the Brand Store, we’ll have already registered your domain which will be as per your brand name (eg. Adorable Koala would be http://www.adorablekoala.com )

Your Information

When you submit the submission form, we’ll link the domain name to your own details and set up an email address and the hosting for your landing page.

Please be sure to include your FULL address on the form, not just your postcode.

Next Step

Once your domain and email is set up, we’ll notify you with your login details. Then you can go ahead and submit the form for a landing page.

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