Brand Information

Brand Information


Take a look at the video to see how you can add your existing Brands and keep them all in one place for easy access.


The Brand Asset section now forms part of the common data information.

This section is linked directly with the Brand Store so if you purchase a Brand Registration package from us, once it has been completed, this Brand will automatically be added to your Brand Assets.

To access, click on the Brand link at the top of the page.

This will take you to a list of your Brand Assets if you have any added yet. If not, this page will be blank.

You can also view your orders in grid view as shown below.

To add in a Brand Asset, click on Create.

All mandatory fields are marked with a red * and you won’t be able to continue until those fields have been completed.


Brand Type - choose either Private Label or 3rd Party. Depending on your choice, a different set of fields will appear. When you first arrive on this page, the Brand Type defaults to Private Label.

Brand Type: Private Label

Asset Details

Complete the Asset Details as follows:

  • Brand Type - Private Label;

  • Add in your Brand Name;

  • Select the Company that you want to link to your Brand from the dropdown list;

  • Select the Registration Type - either Trademark, Copyright or Patent;

  • Once you have selected the Registration Type, the following choices will populate the dropdown list:

    • Trademark: Brand Name, Logo, Tagline - you are able to select more than one from this dropdown list;

    • Copyright: Visual Work (excluding. product photos), Written Work (excluding instruction manual), Other (excl. product packaging).

    • Patent: Utility or Design.

Registration Details

  • Complete the class that your Brand sits under from the dropdown list;

  • Select the Country that your Brand is registered in from the dropdown list;

  • Tick whether your Brand is registered or not:

    • If yes, the Registration Status will automatically populate with Registered and can’t be changed and a Registration Number and Date field will appear. These will need to be completed.

If you select No for the Brand Registered field, the Registration Status will automatically populate with Pending (Filed) and a Serial Number and Filing Date field will appear. These will need to be completed.

Brand Type: 3rd Party

Asset Details

Complete the Asset Details as follows:

  • Brand Type - 3rd Party;

  • Add in the Brand Name of the product you will be selling;

  • Select the Supplier who will be supplying the Product to you from the dropdown list. If this isn’t yet set up, you can click on Create New Supplier to add in.

3rd Party Licence Rights

  • Choose the Marketplace that you will be selling in from the dropdown list;

  • If there is a range, then add the range in. For example, if the Brand was Nike, then the range could be running shoes. This is not a mandatory field and can be left empty;

  • Tick whether the Brand that you are selling is Brand registered or not. This doesn’t refer to your own Brand.

  • Tick whether you have exclusivity to sell this product in the marketplace that you chose:

    • If the answer is Yes, you will need to complete the Exclusivity Period date fields i.e. what date are you allowed to sell from and to. There will usually be an end date or review date set by the Supplier. If the exclusivity period is then renewed, you can update the information again in this section.

    • If you tick the No box to say there is no exclusivity, the Exclusivity Period date fields won’t be available for completion and will be greyed out.

If you are selling in more than one country, you will need to create a new Brand Asset for each country. This is to allow for possible different exclusivity date ranges.

Brand Standards

  • Then complete the Brand font and Brand colours using the hex numbers. You can enter a maximum of 4 hex codes. These fields are not mandatory but it’s a good idea to input all the information so that you have it to hand in one place.

  • If you are completing these details for a 3rd Party and it is someone else’s Brand, they will have a corporate identity and it is very important that the information you input here is accurate for any Brand that you are representing.

  • It’s unlikely that you will create anything new without permission from a 3rd Party but it’s always useful to keep the information up to date.

  • Add in any additional notes regarding the Brand Asset. This box is expandable. Just drag on the bottom right corner to make it bigger.

Brand Files

You can add in your logo and registration files here. If you have more than one to add, just click on Add File. If you want to delete, just click on the red delete button.

Once you have added in all relevant information, click on Save.

You will receive a confirmation that your Brand has been successfully saved.

You can view, edit or delete the Brand details that you input at any time.

This is useful if you have a registration pending and need to update the date of registration. Or perhaps you want to add in an additional registration type.

Click on the View icon for the Brand that you want to edit.

You will then be able to click on edit or delete in the right corner. Or if you change your mind, you can close the view page down without completing an action by clicking on the white cross in the top right corner.

If you click on edit, you will be able to make amendments to any of the fields and then click on Save or Return to List without saving.

You will receive a confirmation message if you saved your changes and will be taken back to the summary page.

Search for a Brand

You can search for your Brand Asset in 2 ways.

First you can use the quick Search function which is on the left as shown below. Click on the box and type in a few letters or numbers of what you are searching for. This could be the Brand Name or as shown below, the Registration Type.

This will show all the results with those letters or numbers highlighted in yellow. Just delete to go back to the full list again.

Or you can use the Filter on the right. Click anywhere on the blue bar to open. Then add in the information you want to search for e.g. all your Brand Assets registered in the USA marketplace. Click on search.

You can narrow it down even further by adding in another search criteria, for example, all Brand Assets for one marketplace with a Brand Type of Private Label. Click on search.

To clear the information and close, click on reset. This will take you back to the full list again and close the filter down.

If you want to sort your Brand Assets by column header, just click the up and down arrows to sort alphabetically or numerically.


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