Shipping Marks

Shipping Marks


Ensure the following is taken into consideration for shipping marks:

  • Every outer carton MUST have all of the required shipping marks, especially the SRN placed on the outside of the outer carton, so that your order can be tracked every step of the way - from the origin port to the end destination in the Hub.

  • The SRN is what links your goods to you and your EnZone account. Without the SRN, the EnZone team have no way of identifying that an outer carton belongs to you. This will definitely slow down the process of receiving your stock, and can even result in lost stock.

  • No SRN on the outer carton means your stock will be placed in the “Red zone” where labor costs, penalties and a higher storage fees will apply.

  • If your stock is being sent via air express, then the SRN in your EnZone application must have an Airway Bill Number and Courier clearly inserted on the SRN. If this is not done, your goods will be placed in the “Red zone”.

Creating and Downloading Shipping Marks

To help with this process, you can now download the shipping marks from the EcoSystem when you place your shipping order and send them to your Supplier.

Each shipping mark includes a unique QR code that identifies each of your master/outer cartons.

Please see the following instruction to see how your shipping marks should be applied to your outer/master cartons:
Using an example order of 20 outer/master cartons:

  • There will be 40 shipping marks to be applied - 2 for each master/outer carton.  

  • These should be applied on opposite sides of the master/outer carton.  

  • The shipping marks are numbered so there will be 2 labels showing 1 of 20 (for 20 master cartons), and 2 labels showing 2 of 20 etc, up to the maximum number of outer/master cartons.

Shipping Mark Sizes

On the shipping order, you can choose 1 up, 2 up or 4 up shipping marks. The difference between 1 up, 2 up and 4 up is the number of shipping marks on an A4 page. 

  • If you choose 1 up, this has 1 shipping mark per A4 page and should be used on a large size master/outer carton. 

  • If you choose 2 up, this has 2 shipping marks per A4 page and should be used on a medium size master/outer carton.

  • if you choose 4 up, this has 4 shipping marks per A4 page and should be used on a smaller sized master/outer carton.

If in doubt, you can download 1 up, 2 up and 4 up and send them all to your supplier and let them decide which size would be more appropriate to use.

Adding the shipping marks provided will help to prevent lost stock and delays in the shipping process.

To see the process for downloading your Shipping Marks, please go to the relevant shipping order help page in the EcoSystem.


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