Shipping Orders

Shipping Orders

Once you have completed your Supplier negotiations, the next step is to create your Purchase Order so that you can provide your Shipping Reference Number (SRN) to the Supplier. This is done in the Freight Section of the EcoSystem.

The Shipping Order could be either Consolidated or Direct. If you are utilizing our Consolidated shipping services, you can be confident that the process is handled seamlessly between your Supplier and our Agents.

Once the Supplier and Agent are involved, remember that it’s not necessary for you to become involved in the shipping process as this can cause a ‘confusion triangle’ leading to potential delays in shipping your items.

If you want to transfer some of your Products to a different warehouse, follow our Hub to Hub Transfer process. You can use your Pre-buy CBM for consolidated transfer shipments.

Taking out freight insurance for your Product is a must. EnZone offers shipping insurance during transit of consolidated shipments if you are interested.

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