Linked Suppliers

Linked Suppliers


Watch the video to see how to link your Supplier to your Researched Product.

Suppliers form part of the Common Data. To add or link a Supplier to your Researched Product, click on either View or Edit from the Researched Product summary page.

Then click on Linked Suppliers on the right menu. If you are in view mode, this will show you any Suppliers already linked or a blank page.

If you clicked on edit from the summary page or you click on edit from the view mode, this will take you to the Common Information tab.

If you have Suppliers already set up, you can click on the Suppliers field and select from the drop down list. You can enter more than one Supplier if needed.

If you don’t have Suppliers set up, you can add a new Supplier by clicking on the Create New Supplier link.

Complete the new Supplier details and then Save. This Supplier will then be added into the Supplier field.

Remember to Save the details. You will receive a confirmation that your Researched Product has been updated.

You will see on your list of Researched Products, that the Suppliers Linked to Researched Products icon has changed to blue to confirm this stage has been completed.