Key Terms


Watch the video to see how to add Key Terms to your Researched Product.


To add Key Terms to your Researched Product, from the summary page, click on the Edit icon. You can see that the Key Terms icon hasn’t yet been completed as it is still in black.

From the edit page, select Key Terms on the right side.

This will display any Key Terms you have already entered or it will be blank if there are none entered yet. To start adding your Key Terms or to add to existing Key Terms, click on Add Key Term.

You need to have added at least 3 Key Terms in order to change the colour of the icon on your list of Researched Products to show it as complete. However, the more Key Terms you enter, the better. Only entering 1 or 2 Key Terms will not give you a full view of the competition.

When you input a Key Term, you will note that this automatically creates a link to Amazon, which will filter the results using the Key Term.

Click on the link and input the number of search results shown on Amazon for that Key Term. The rating will automatically populate based on the number of results returned to help you decide on the suitability of your Researched Product.

We are ideally looking for a generic term that gives us the least number of results returned. The following result guidelines are used:

  • 1-99 - Phenomenal

  • 100-499 - Excellent

  • 500-999 - Great

  • 1,000-1,999 - Good

  • 2,000 - 4,999 - Limited

  • 5,000 - 10,000 - Poor

  • 10,000+ - Avoid

From your research, you can then select from the drop down box and assess the Market Status.

The options are:

  • Too Small - not many results for your product would mean not enough sales going forward.

  • Confused - vast array of products with multiple versions, sizes and designs.

  • Too Big - if the marketplace is saturated with the product.

  • Unknown - unable to tell from the research done.

  • Cloned - the same product appears repeatedly on the result page.

  • Clean - a market with fewer offerings showing a clear market leader of your product and other products that are not versions of the one you want to sell.

Remember to Save your information before moving to another page.

Save as many Key Terms as you like. Once you have input at least 3, the colour of the Stage icon will change to blue.