Statuses - Direct Shipping Order

Statuses - Direct Shipping Order

When you raise a Direct Shipping Order, the process is different to a Consolidated Order and therefore the statuses will also be different.


You can view the create Direct Shipping Order video here. If you want to just see the Statuses, this is shown 10 minutes into the video.


If you just want to view all your direct shipping orders, you can use the filter to just show these and remove any consolidated shipping orders. Just click on the blue filter bar to open, choose Direct from the Shipping Method and then search.

The ‘Date Paid’ column refers to Consolidated Shipping Orders only. The date under this column for Direct Shipping Orders will be when you created the Direct Shipping Order.

Once you place an order, it will show as Pending and the Freight Team will review the order.

When the Freight Team have reviewed your order and everything looks fine, they will change this status to Accepted. This is the only involvement that the Freight Team has until your order arrives at the EnZone warehouse.

After your order arrives at the EnZone warehouse, the status will change to Arrived while the Freight Team check your order into stock.

Lastly, your order will show as In Stock. You can then create a replenishment order.

When your Product arrives in the warehouse, if there are any issues, it will be placed into the Amber Zone and you will receive a notification advising you of this.

You can view your current stock information for each warehouse and also see if you have any stock in the Amber Zone and the reason for this.

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