Edit Purchase Order

Edit Purchase Order

From the Order Activity page, select the Purchase Order you want to amend and click on Edit.

Make the necessary changes to your Purchase Order.

Before you Save your changes, you will need to select the Status of your Purchase Order. This mandatory field only appears when you edit your Purchase Order and is not available when you first create the order.

Choose the relevant Status from the drop down list as follows:

  • Open - awaiting start of production;

  • In production - when production starts;

  • In transit - when the product has left the Supplier and not yet arrived in the EnZone warehouse;

  • Void - if the Purchase Order needs to be cancelled but you still want to keep a record of it.

  • Closed - delivered into the EnZone warehouse and showing as in stock;

Keeping the Status updated allows you to focus on the Orders that are still in progress.

Then Save your details.

You will be notified of your update on the order activity page.